Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Finally.... a middle-aged muppet I can live with.

Rua is almost six... phew!  She is a creature of habit & routine, much like me.  She enjoys eating her biscuits in a particular order (but only when the "pack" is in her room, of course). She doesn't mind if her daily walk consists of getting in the van, staying in the van, and getting back out again.  She makes a point of sleeping in front of any door, that way she doesn't have to go far should someone come in.  Her memory retention is poor (or she's incredibly witty, I haven't decided).  "Out of the kitchen" consists of leaving the room, and then re-entering.  Perhaps that command training should have been more specific.. She still likes to talk to me, and I can actually tell the difference now between (in order of importance): 1) I need to pee, 2) I need to poop, 3) I'm counting down the number of minutes until dinner time, 4) I haven't seen my favourite stuffed toy. Have you??

I love her unconditionally, and I know the feeling is mutual.

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