Saturday, October 16, 2010

Presto blog-o!

Firstly - Hi Mom!

So - I've decided to start a pet photography business.  Yipee!  Now, every single night I dream about animals - mostly dogs (apparently Mom and Gavin are also dreaming about dogs - sorry!)  I feel like there is this huge ball of passion and intensity about the possibilities I could reach with this prospect, just brewing in my tummy, waiting to be free.  It feels funny, almost like I don't have control of it.  It's comin' out!  My brain is trying to get on board with the fact that this very well may be my destiny.  It feels right.  It feels scary (scary-fun!)  It feels intense and invigorating.  I'm HAPPY :)  I'm realizing, however, that it's the scary-fun-intense-invigorating destinies that are HARD WORK.  But of course!  The nerves alone involved in meeting someone new and asking to take pictures of their dogs has forced me to learn more about my camera in the last week, than I have in (being honest) the entire last year.  And when I think about what I'll learn and accomplish in the next year, I'm EXCITED! Bring it on I say - I'm ready, so stay tuned.


  1. You are going to make an AWESOME pet photographer! You have talent galore. I am so proud of you!!!

  2. Awww :) Muchas gracias sweetie-pie! xoxox

  3. How about the name of the business to be, "Fur Faced Photography" ?

  4. Hmmm - yes, you might be on to something there! It sort of brings an instant smile :)
